Adze tool for sale
Adze tool for sale

adze tool for sale

An adze does not rebound like a hammer on a nail, so it is a mistake to buy too heavy an adze. They are especially good for flat accurate cuts. Many carvers use them almost exclusively mask makers consider them essential. Straight adzes are somewhat more traditional on the coast. If I was starting with one tool, I'd choose the Sitka Gutter adze. Gutter adzes are good for wasting wood with and across the grain. I do not recommend you buy a D-adze unless you know why you want it. Most of the advantage lies with the elbow adze. We sell two types of adze: the elbow adze and the D-adze. There are so many possibilities it can be confusing-it needn't be. Adze recommendations for the beginning carver Spools of twine are available on the 'Store' page. Sheaths can be purchased separately as well, and I strongly recommend getting a sheath for your adze iron. If you are ordering an iron only you may request a length of twine to go with it. All of the kits include haft, iron and heavy duty leather sheath and a length of nylon twine for the wrapping. My pre-shaping will get you to where you need to go much faster. It is natural for a person new to these tools to be somewhat conservative when shaping the haft – to make these tools really sweet there is a lot of wood that must be removed before the carver will end up with a tool with the right balance and correct functionality.

adze tool for sale

This gives the carver something to go by when finishing the shape. I have added to the value of the adze kits by rough shaping the haft. Our adze haft blanks are Eastern Rock Maple. These materials cover adze use, sharpening and hafting your adze iron.


Our Adzes, adze irons and kits all come with a 12 page booklet with 29 photographs and 3 pages of drawings which includes full size adze haft templates. It is a 3 1/2” wide gutter adze that is another option when you want faster wood removal with a light weight tool but don’t need the flatter face of the lip adzes. In this same size range of adzes, we also offer the Big Mama gutter adze. Both the 2 1/2″ and 3″ are real wood eaters for wood carvers. To handle the extra weight I have also added some to the power of the haft. This small amount makes a real difference in the tools balance. This adds an ounce to the weight of the heads making them decidedly more aggressive tools when heavier wood removal is called for. I am now making the "light lips" of 5/32" material. Our lip irons come with a thermal formed Kydex sheath, perfect protection for that long edge! Although I have beefed up iron and haft for these you will still need to keep the tool sharp and cut, but not pry your chips. Since I don't carve everyday and I often use the corners of the lip I like the 2 1/2″ best. These sophisticated tools have a slight radius to the cutting edge and the lips are angled out some to keep from "stuffing the chip." The 3” lip adze is a little flatter, and better for larger flatter faceting work while the 2 1/2” version is a better all around carver in my opinion.


Most of my professional carving friends use a lip adze for even smaller mask-size carvings. Once you know where you are going, there is no sense mucking about in getting there. There is nothing like a lip adze for wasting large amounts of wood rapidly.

Adze tool for sale